
Marketing communications

Every project requires a whole raft of skills. Marketing communications means putting together the words, images, and media elements in such a way that the message reaches the desired audience. Our design projects range from identity programs through promotional literature, advertising, brochures, periodicals, book design, packaging, and web design/development.

  • Graphic design
  • Writing & editing
  • Structuring information and flow
  • Choosing the right medium for the message
  • Identifying & reaching the audience

Website design and development

Website design has been evolving like mad as the Internet tech gods keep finding new ways to impose order on zillions of lines of code. Up until quite recently, every site was built in a different, usually proprietary way. This made it difficult for anyone except the person or company who originally built it to interact with it.

Rational standards and flexible tools have since evolved. I’ve chosen to use WordPress for building Forty-two’s client sites. A Content Management System (CMS) is the “backroom” interface with the website that allows clients to access, add, and edit content in their website.

WordPress is a free, open-source CMS application. Harnessing its power to the requirements of a complex website saves time and cost over the life of a project. We use the WordPress CMS on all web projects now because it is highly adaptable, stable, open source, widely used, and well-supported by a global community. As web standards and specifications are constantly evolving, we find it wise to choose a system that is continually updated and has a huge support network.


Book design

Books are wonderful things. I love reading them and designing them. Printed books, of course, and e-books as well.