Homeless Management Information System

Project management for Napa County Health & Human Services


Contracted to manage implementation of a new Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for Napa County Health and Human Services (HHS). HMIS is a mandated program of the US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). It requires each community to maintain an electronic database system designed to draw an accurate picture of the local homeless population, in order to identify needs and evaluate effectiveness of service delivery.

  • Sought out and evaluated technologies; adapted and updated existing MS Access database to address HUD requirements
  • Maintained compliance with HUD standards; participated in HUD, state, and regional HMIS meetings and training sessions; liaison to regional HMIS groups
  • Acted as HMIS spokesperson and liaison to Napa’s Continuum of Care and local housing and support service organizations dealing with homeless individuals
    and families
  • Developed relationships with and recruited additional agencies into participating in HMIS
  • Trained intake staff; monitored each agency’s data collection and data quality
    (15 agencies and 43 programs participated)
  • Worked with agencies on Napa County’s Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness
  • Oversaw implementation, facilitation, data management, and data quality; prepared reports, training materials, presentations; chaired committee meetings
  • Worked with legal consultants, agencies, and county staff in gathering and providing required data for grant proposals
  • Member of the Regional Steering Committee and the Bay Area Counties Homeless Information Collaborative (These groups address HMIS software systems evaluation and planning, coordinating resources, and developing a regional HMIS database)
  • Assessed real-time online software systems, worked with software developer, and coordinated with HHS IT department
  • Four years on contract with Napa County HHS

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November 15, 2017